If you own a business with your spouse that lends a level of complexity to your case so you need to make sure that you are consulting with a lawyer who understands business issues, business structure and finances. It will be a significant issue on what's going to happen to the business, how is that business going to get valued, is one party going to buy the other out? Are there other partners in the business as then there may be buy-sell agreements. So all of those are issues that need to be formally and clearly addressed with your lawyer.
Information for Divorcing Couples Who Own a Business Together
Molly B. Kenny's Bellevue family law office is conveniently located in Bellevue just off I-90, making it easily accessible to those in the greater Seattle area. Our divorce and child custody lawyers help men and women get the information, guidance, and compassionate representation they need.
Law Offices of Molly B. Kenny
13555 SE 36th St. Suite 100
Bellevue, WA 98006 Phone: (425) 460-0550 Office Info Get Directions
Bellevue, WA 98006 Phone: (425) 460-0550 Office Info Get Directions