Do You Notice Any Of These Issues With Your Teen?
- Suddenly exhibiting unusual or bad behavior.
- Reluctance to talk or let you get involved with their life.
- Cutting classes or school altogether.
- Spending all of their free time with friends.
- Letting their grades slip.
While many of these can be typical signs of adolescence, they’re also common problems that families who have been through divorce have with their teenage children.
Your family doesn't have to fall into the stereotypical "broken home" syndrome when divorce divides your household. The media paints a picture of divorced families as a difficult environment for children to grow and prosper, and some studies do support that theory. Attorney Molly B. Kenny is here to tell Washington parents that this doesn't have to be the case for all families.
Children, especially teenagers, process divorce differently at every age. Divorce can rush self-sufficiency in teenagers and put school on the back burner if parents aren't careful to maintain a careful eye on their teen's behavior and emotional well-being.
Even though studies found that children of divorce had a higher high school dropout rate, that doesn't mean your teen is destined to drop out or struggle in school. Good communication, attentiveness, and just being an all-around good parent can help keep your child on track. In this eBook, Molly B. Kenny discusses the different theories and stereotypes surrounding teens of divorce and shares information and resources to help you connect with your child and usher them into a successful adulthood.