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Your whole life is changing. Not only is your marriage ending, but you are planning to re-enter the work force after taking some time off to care for your young children. The transition from being a stay-at-home mom to a work outside the home mom can be another challenge during this time of transitions for your family. Accordingly, as you seek to protect the best interests of your kids, you may have several things to consider.
Things to Think About
There are many reasons to go back to work. As you make this transition, it is important to consider:
- The costs and benefits of going back to work – Maybe you enjoy what you do, you want the financial independence from your soon to be ex-spouse, or you need the money to provide for your children now that you and your spouse are maintaining two separate households.
- How to maintain security for your kids – This includes not only financial security, but also emotional stability. How will they adjust to new childcare arrangements? Will they be able to continue participating in team sports and/or extracurricular activities?
- Whether full time, part time, or a non-traditional work plans make the most sense for you – You may have options that you haven’t yet considered.
Your income may also have an impact on any child support that you receive from your children’s other parent.
Make Informed Decisions
The decision about whether to go back to work after a Medina divorce is intensely personal. You need to make the decision that is in the best interest of you and your children. However, you deserve to make that decision knowing all of the facts. You deserve to know how it could impact your kids financially and emotionally, and you deserve to talk it through with an experienced Medina divorce lawyer. Please schedule a confidential initial consultation today by calling us at 425-460-0550.