Here are a few planning tips and thoughts for stay-at-home moms thinking about or facing a divorce:
• Realize that child support and spousal support will help, but that it isn’t an ultimate answer. Read about Washington State child support laws and try to get a rough idea of how much money you may be entitled to in the event of a divorce – but also have a plan in case payments stop coming and for eventual financial independence.
• Consider going back to school. Many stay-at-home moms have not been in the workforce for years or may have never entered the workforce. Getting a degree can help open up new and more lucrative employment options.
• Think about daycare. One large difference between a one- and a two-parent home is the necessity of childcare help outside of the home. Do you have relatives or friends that can help, or can you afford a day care center or in-home care? Assess your options.
• Review your skill set. What kind of jobs do you have the skill and education to obtain? Get creative and realize that starting with a lower-paying or part-time job is a step in the right direction.
• Know that you have help. There are a number of organizations and non-profits that specialize in helping single moms – and there is absolutely no shame in taking advantage of these services, which can help you get food, pay your rent, brush up your resume, and find a job.
Are you a Washington State stay-at-home mom considering divorce or in the process of divorce? Make sure you have a competent, aggressive Seattle divorce attorney on your side. Call Molly Kenny today.