A large number of marriages don’t survive a lifetime, and a minority of marriages fail just months or years after the couple makes their vows. While newlywed divorces can be embarrassing, costly, and shocking, they often simply mean that the partnership was not meant to be—and that the couple came to the conclusion quickly. Below, review five questions you can ask when you are considering a newlywed divorce:
- Should we try counseling? Marriages are hard work, and in most cases you shouldn’t take divorce lightly or without first working on your relationship. If you are having issues with your new husband or wife, counseling can be an effective way to learn more about your partner, learn how to better communicate, and learn whether or not your relationship can weather challenges.
- Has new information come to light? In some cases, you discover something about your spouse that you didn’t know at the time of your marriage: an affair, a substance abuse issue, or even simply a moral issue or philosophy that conflicts with your own beliefs. If your spouse is not the person you thought you married, divorce might be the best course of action for both of you.
- Are we communicating openly about the issue? One common issue that newlyweds face is a lack of communication—or the inability to communicate clearly and successfully. Once you know how to communicate well, you can tackle more difficult issues more effectively.
- Are our differences irreconcilable? Take a close look at the issue or issues present in your marriage that have you considering divorce. Can you imagine ever feeling better about these issues, or ever finding a comfortable compromise. If your problems are permanent, you may be better off starting a new chapter in your life and finding a new partner who is more compatible.
- Is our issue a normal challenge of marriage? Some couples enter marriage without fully realizing how challenging lifelong relationships are—or understanding that successful and loving marriages often require constant upkeep and maintenance. Before seeking divorce, ask yourself if you simply need to take time to work through the issue.
Do you need legal guidance regarding your Washington divorce? Contact the Seattle divorce attorneys at the Law Offices of Molly B. Kenny today: 425-460-0550.