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Yes. Unfortunately, financial deception is a common concern in Seattle divorce proceedings. While Washington State is a “no fault” divorce state, meaning that a divorce may be granted if one spouse believes the marriage is irretrievably broken, a financial deception may still be relevant to your Seattle divorce case.
Here’s Why
Proving that financial deception occurred may be irrelevant to your grounds for divorce. However, it could be important in your divorce settlement. It could signal to your divorce lawyer that further investigation needs to be done into your marital, and separate, assets to make sure that you have a true accounting of your marital estate and to make sure that your property is fairly divided in a divorce settlement.
What You Should Do
Your spouse may have broken your trust and compromised your financial future. You shouldn’t have to suffer any more than necessary because of his or her actions. Instead, you should tell your divorce lawyer everything that you know about the financial deception and about all of your financial assets and liabilities so that a proper investigation can occur and a fair divorce settlement can be reached.
For more information about how to protect your assets during a divorce where financial deception is a factor, please contact us today for a confidential consultation. You can also learn more about your rights by downloading a complimentary copy of one of our books: The Savvy Woman’s Guide to Divorce in Washington or The Thinking Man’s Guide to Divorce in Washington.